For my second event of the quarter I decided to go to the Los Angeles Country Museum of Art. The last time I went to LACMA I was with my grandma when I was around 12 years old. Since then, the museum has grown into an incredible work of art in itself. My favorite part of my trip to LACMA was definitely the rain room. Completely sold out for the next few months, the rain room was not on my list of things I was going to see while I was there. Fortunately for me, there was a women giving away her ticket right as I walked by the Exhibit!
I think the Rain room is a perfect subject to discuss in this class because it uses state of the art technology to create a beautiful, unique, and immersive experience for people. with sensors on the roof, one can walk into a room that has rain pouring from the roof without getting wet! The water magically stops pouring wherever your body goes. It truly is a unique experience.
I couldn't take pictures of the actual Rain room because I didn't want to risk my phone getting wet, but it was a remarkable.
My other favorite work was the light fixtures in the Broad center. These luminescent bulbs create a beautiful mixture of colors.
I believe that LACMA is a perfect place to visit with DESMA 9 in mind because there are so many different exhibits that use technology to create extraordinary things. Having taken this class, I now appreciate these works much more than I did when I was 12!!
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