Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Week 10 blog post

Nicholas Copernicus, although delaying it, still eventually shocked the world when he theorized that the sun, and not the earth, was the center of our solar system. Since his scientific Inquiry, and quite frankly for thousand of years before, humanity has been  obsessed with the stars and beyond. In today's age, Technology is allowing us to explore and view space like never before. I think the biggest event in modern human history was Neil Armstrong stepping onto the moon for the first time. The way that Mrs. Vesna talks about space exploration and art really resonates me. I think its clear that space means a lot to many people.

I think an awesome thing that Mrs. Vesna touched on was virgin galactic, This company, a spin off company of Richard Branson's virgin airlines, was meant to be the first commercial space flight company! and now many others like Mars one and the Elon musks famous, SpaceX . This video is awesome:
I think something even cooler is the planetary resources company that some great minds are collaborating together to create. While the company itself would make trillions of dollars, the technology and even art in the process will be beautiful and revolutionary.

Event 3 blog post

For my third event I decided to go to the Marc Foxx Gallery. Out of the different options of places to choose from in LA, I originally overlooked the Marc Foxx Gallery. However, with limited ways of getting around, this gallery proved convenient and worthwhile. 
Upon first look at the inconspicuous building, I was underwhelmed and not very excited. That all change when I walked into a mad house of people looking very busy and an extremely messy gallery. Nobody who worked there even noticed that a complete stranger had walked into the gallery! I coughed a few times and introduced myself to the nearest employee and asked if i was in the right place. The lady told me yes! but sadly they were closed. I quickly explained that I was a student studying art at UCLA and she immediately introduced me to the owner of the gallery! We struck up a conversation which eventually led to him letting me hang out and watch the process of them making the gallery look beautiful! 
Sadly, I forgot the name of the artist that they were exhibiting but He flew all the way out from Berlin to display his magnificent works. I even had the fortunate opportunity to meet him and get a picture! 
My favorite piece was the bright red one above this sentence. I really thought all of the work was extremely thought provoking and I found myself spending a few minutes staring at each one. I would recommend this gallery to anyone who enjoys art! the opening night will be this Saturday and I am planning on going! These painting made me love art a lot more than I already did. I believe the red one represents a heart mangled with emotions or maybe sickness. I believe that art is a form of science that takes trial and error and intense observations. These paintings were intricate and while they don't have anything to do with technology, I still believe they bridge the gap between the two cultures by showing a method similar to the scientific one through these beautiful paintings.
Overall, it was an incredible event and a place I will sure visit again.  

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Event 2 blog

For my second event of the quarter I decided to go to the Los Angeles Country Museum of Art. The last time I went to LACMA I was with my grandma when I was around 12 years old. Since then, the museum has grown into an incredible work of art in itself. My favorite part of my trip to LACMA was definitely the rain room. Completely sold out for the next few months, the rain room was not on my list of things I was going to see while I was there. Fortunately for me, there was a women giving away her ticket right as I walked by the Exhibit!
I think the Rain room is a perfect subject to discuss in this class because it uses state of the art technology to create a beautiful, unique, and immersive experience for people. with sensors on the roof, one can walk into a room that has rain pouring from the roof without getting wet! The water magically stops pouring wherever your body goes. It truly is a unique experience.

 I couldn't take pictures of the actual Rain room because I didn't want to risk my phone getting wet, but it was a remarkable.
My other favorite work was the light fixtures in the Broad center. These luminescent bulbs create a beautiful mixture of colors.

I believe that LACMA is a perfect place to visit with DESMA 9 in mind because there are so many different exhibits that use technology to create extraordinary things. Having taken this class, I now appreciate these works much more than I did when I was 12!!