Sunday, May 15, 2016

Week 6 post

Similar to what i wrote about in my first event blog, biotech + art part 1 video explores the use of sound and art with biology. Specifically, the Audio microscope developed by Joe Davis. The microscope works by transmitting light data into sounds. Ive never thought of sounds as an outlet for beautiful artwork to come out of Biotechnology, and i love it!
Beautiful video of sound and technology This video blew my mind and I believe that way more can be done with sound than artists think about.

This is a peer reviewed article that explains the creation of a new non invasive way to listen to cells. However, "Sound waves are widely used in medical imaging, such as when doctors take an ultrasound of a developing fetus." (Science daily). Ultra sounds were used in the images I discussed in my last blog post about the controversy of human fetuses.
Further, I find even more interesting the way that E. Coli responds to sound. Similarly to that, researchers at MIT released a Youtube video showing the ways in which sounds can help find rare cancer cells in the human body. 
While controversial, the labratory tests that produced an Oncomouse are extremely interesting to me. In my opinion a philosophical debate erupts over our right to induce cancer to other animals for research. is the suffering of one species worth potential benefits for humans?  This Article, conducted by the world intellectual property organization debates that very question.

Biophysical Society. "Listening to Cells: Scientists probe human cells with high-frequency sound." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 1 February 2013. <>.

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